Changsha is not as pleasant as Xiamen; the inland city is humid and lacks wind. The air is filled with the smell of stinky tofu from various street stalls and the spicy aroma of fried dishes. It is hard to tell whether the haze in the air is from cooking oil, mist, or smoke from firewood. Vendors shout their wares, while merchants and mules from all corners mingle with the ethnic minorities from western Hunan, monks, Taoists, and beggars with unkempt hair, alongside wealthy rickshaw riders. It is difficult to describe Changsha with just one word.
After getting off at Changsha Station, I first had a bowl of spicy rice noodles. Zhang Haiyan had eaten chili in Malacca, but it was never like this. I endured and finished the meal, sweating profusely.
The main street in Changsha is bustling and lively, hardly different from the foreign concessions. The alleys are paved with bluestone, lined with crowded teahouses, and the sounds of Hunan opera, flower-drum opera, and ballad singing fill the streets. At that time, Changsha had over fifty theaters, with various performances running day and night. Under the colorful lanterns, there is a unique atmosphere of enjoyment and vibrant life characteristic of the people of Hunan.
In contrast to his background, Zhang Haiyan felt a sense of freedom and freshness, sensing everything was so different yet so lively, full of the essence of life. Zhang Haiqi seemed to have visited Changsha before and felt a sense of nostalgia. Zhang Haiyan was unsure if this was the last time he had been here, perhaps half a century ago.
After finishing their meal, the two walked to aid digestion. They had sent a telegram with their visiting card before arriving, worried they might be mistaken for spies. They were staying at the Dajixiang Hotel, a first-class hotel in Changsha. Since it was off-season, there were no prostitutes or musicians around, making it quite peaceful.
As they walked, Zhang Haiyan and Zhang Haiqi discussed their meeting arrangements. Zhang Qishan was indeed a special figure, and they needed to achieve their goals while being cautious of any potential changes.
“Mother, how do you think we should approach this situation?” Zhang Haiyan asked, realizing the question itself was rather convoluted.
“If we must draw a comparison, it would be like poor relatives from the countryside coming to seek connections,” Zhang Haiqi replied. Since they both shared the surname Zhang, they must take advantage of that.
“So, we should act like sycophants,” Zhang Haiyan said, lighting a cigarette, to which Zhang Haiqi responded, “No, you should act like a sycophant.”
“If there are issues, should we take the initiative?” Zhang Haiyan asked.
“Zhang Qishan has shown mercy several times; I’ve reported this. He wouldn’t do anything contradictory,” Zhang Haiqi said. “One must meet him to draw a conclusion and adapt to the situation.”
Upon arriving at the hotel, they were surprised to find Zhang Qishan’s adjutant waiting at the entrance. Upon entering, they saw an officer in military uniform standing in the lobby, hands behind his back, contemplating a large wall painting.
Efficient enough, Zhang Haiyan thought.
As Zhang Haiqi and Zhang Haiyan walked in, a servant came to take their coats, and the guards outside closed the doors. They began to light the lamps inside.
This person was definitely Zhang Qishan, Zhang Haiyan thought. Zhang Haiqi walked over to a sofa in the lobby and noticed the Western-style fireplace had been lit. Zhang Qishan turned around and locked eyes with them.
Zhang Haiyan understood people well; looking at Zhang Qishan, he felt that the man lived up to his name, exuding an aura like a mountain, seemingly unshakable.
“Generally, I don’t welcome members of the Zhang family. But since you’ve come, it wouldn’t be right to send you away immediately. Should we reminisce first or discuss business?” Zhang Qishan sat down on the sofa, inviting them to take a seat and asked, “Miss Zhang should have a lot to talk about with me. However, I am busy with official matters, so it’s best to keep it brief.”
Zhang Haiqi looked at Zhang Qishan, wondering if this was really how it was going to be—was the so-called mountain and sea really just a matter of meeting face to face?
“Are you also a member of the Zhang family?”
“Actually, I don’t want to reminisce. I was once, but I am not now.”
“Is it possible not to be?”
“I can attest to that personally,” Zhang Qishan said. “If you are here to tell me that it’s not possible, I advise you not to speak.”
Zhang Haiyan listened carefully; this hotel was presumably filled with Zhang Qishan’s people. Clearly, Zhang Qishan was on guard against them. He had sensed a similar atmosphere at Zhang Ruipu’s place, but this was the first time he felt surrounded by such a formal military presence.
Zhang Haiqi felt the tension in the air and looked around. “I don’t know the nature of your relationship with the Zhang family or your past, but it definitely has nothing to do with me. Hailou, why don’t you explain our purpose here?”
Zhang Haiyan glanced at Zhang Haiqi, thinking that such difficult words were hard to express, and he wanted to see how his ‘godmother’ would say it without losing face. He didn’t expect it would fall on him to say it.
Zhang Haiyan cleared his throat, and Zhang Qishan stared coldly at them.
Zhang Haiyan said, “Actually, it’s like this. We all share the surname Zhang, after all. We are here to seek help from relatives. We encountered a tricky situation in Xiamen, and we are short on manpower. We hope that, being relatives, we could borrow a few troops from you.”
Zhang Qishan looked at Zhang Haiyan, then at Zhang Haiqi at the door, clasped his hands together, and turned to his aide, saying, “If this person makes another joke, take both of them away.”
The aide nodded and placed his hand on his gun at his waist.
Zhang Haiyan realized that this was a serious person, and he felt a bit of a headache. They had heard about Zhang Qishan’s style on the way, but he hadn’t expected him to be so direct.
At this moment, Zhang Haiqi asked, “What is your relationship with Mo Yungao?”
Zhang Qishan tilted his head to look at Zhang Haiqi, clearly surprised. After thinking for a moment, Zhang Haiqi continued, “I know you are investigating him. I will tell you what we know, and you can tell us what you know. Our goals are aligned, so there’s no need to waste time.” She glanced at Zhang Haiyan as she spoke.
Next, Zhang Haiyan briefly recounted the events to Zhang Qishan.
Zhang Haiyan was very concise, but Zhang Qishan listened attentively. After he finished, Zhang Qishan fell silent, glancing out the window. “The Nanyang Archive has actually been destroyed by a warlord from the Southwest, and you believe he has the potential to continue spreading the plague. Mo Yungao’s intentions are unclear, and his actions are suspicious.”
Zhang Haiyan nodded, and Zhang Qishan stood up, saying, “I am indeed investigating Mo Yungao. There have been too many disappearances in Beihai, and my superiors have instructed me to conduct a discreet investigation, but there has been no progress. If you can provide actual evidence of what you’ve mentioned, I can forcibly revoke his command authority, rendering his troops unable to act. You can handle him as you see fit. However, without evidence, given the current chaotic political situation, my superiors are unlikely to want to stir up trouble. I cannot mobilize forces from Changsha to attack Beihai.”
Zhang Haiyan realized at this moment that although their conversation was quite stiff, it was effective. This Zhang Qishan was a person who did not care about the atmosphere but focused on communication.
“If you’re willing to cooperate, we will provide evidence to you,” Zhang Haiqi said. “But, we must have Mo Yungao.”
Zhang Qishan stood up and nodded. “In fact, I had a brief encounter with Mo Yungao many years ago. He had a very strange behavior; he expressed envy for my surname and told me a story. Once, during a war among the warlords in the southwest, when he was still a platoon leader, he entered a plague area. At that time, there was a great epidemic in the southwest, and all his troops perished. He hid in a village afflicted by the plague and was saved by a young man with the surname Zhang, who used his blood. As a result, he believed he had encountered an extraordinary person.”
“Extraordinary person?”
“I think, based on what you have said, could it be that he saw a member of the Zhang family during the plague and witnessed their special abilities? In order to see a Zhang family member again, he spread the plague once more.” Zhang Qishan took the military cap handed to him by his aide. “Gentlemen, I do not know much, and I have already shared everything I know. We agreed to meet here; I will wait for your evidence. If you are willing, since we are from the same clan, the chaos in the northeast indicates that the mountains and seas have met, and Changsha can shelter you to serve the country. Furthermore—”
Zhang Qishan paused and said to them, “Mo Yungao is currently on his way to Nanjing. At this time, officers from various places are required to report to Nanjing. If you plan to take action, I can assist you in Nanjing.”
After saying this, Zhang Qishan left. Outside, the car drove away, and the aide explained the arrangements for their accommodation and hospitality, assuring them that they could rest well, as there were soldiers surrounding the area for safety.
Zhang Haiyan thought to himself, is it really that busy? Is this how a poor relative behaves when they visit? Just as he was about to speak, Zhang Haiqi said, “Mo Yungao has met the clan leader.”
“Clan leader?”
“He thinks the clan leader is an extraordinary person,” Zhang Haiqi said. “This means that Mo Yungao knows about the existence of the Zhang family. At the very least, he knows something. He has done so much because he wants to know more.”
So that’s why the assassins on the Nan’an ship brought the bodies back.