The black glasses indicated a route on the map of Liang Wan.
“I’ve never gone that deep before, but based on my experience, this route should be relatively safe.”
“This kind of judgment must have some basis,” Liang Wan said.
“Based on some traces that you can’t possibly see in the dark,” the black glasses replied. “The details of the world I see are very different from yours. Moreover, there are four rooms like this along this route, indicating that it was frequently used by people at the time, and it’s the only route with rooms for rest. If they needed to take some protective or isolating measures, it could only be along this path.”
Liang Wan nodded in agreement. The black glasses pointed to the core area, “The outer wall of this tomb must have been opened. There should be various ropes and makeshift stairs leading down. Follow the stairs, don’t take any detours, and don’t touch anything.”
Liang Wan nodded, “How do you know Li Cuo is in this tomb? This ancient site may not be large, but it’s quite deep. Don’t you know the exact location?”
The black glasses said, “Follow the bloodstains; he must have serious injuries.”
After saying that, the black glasses took out a spray can from his bag: “This is stone powder spray; this plant really dislikes this kind of stone.”
“How much do you know about this strange plant?”
“This is a composite; actually, what we are dealing with is not a plant,” the black glasses replied. “However, there’s no opportunity to dissect the trunk to see what’s inside, so I don’t know exactly what it is. This thing coexists with a kind of beetle that cannot digest its prey on its own; the beetle is deadly.” He pulled out a test tube from his bag: “This is a serum; once opened, it can drive away the beetles, but its effect is very mild. The serum oxidizes quickly once it comes into contact with oxygen, so it must be used cautiously.”
Liang Wan looked at the test tube; there was very little liquid inside. She glanced at the black glasses: “You must be hosting those beetles in your body, right? Can’t you use the serum on yourself?”
The black glasses said, “This serum is not enough for three people; I can only ensure that the beetles won’t crawl onto me, but I can’t protect others, nor can I cover my whole body.”
“But you’re about to die,” Liang Wan said. “The serum should work internally; you can use it to save your life. Why did you only bring one such important thing?”
“Ah, the raw materials are quite scarce,” the black glasses replied. “I promised someone I would handle this, so this thing is more valuable in your hands.”
Liang Wan sighed, organizing her backpack as she said, “Aren’t you afraid I’ll just take these things and run away?”
“That would be quite understandable,” the black glasses leaned against the wall, looking at his own hands. “It would be expected if you ran away.”
Liang Wan found an empty syringe in Su Wan’s backpack, drew some water from her canteen, rinsed it slightly, and then opened the test tube, injecting the water inside.
“It’s already in a diluted state; adding water will only make you feel a little better psychologically; it won’t increase the effect,” the black glasses said.
Liang Wan drew the serum into the syringe, expelled the air, grabbed the black glasses’ hand, and injected it into him.
The man in the black glasses was taken aback; the serum had already been injected. Liang Wan’s movements were very skilled as she stowed the syringe in her backpack. “This stuff was used by Su Wan. You hope he doesn’t have gonorrhea, syphilis, or AIDS, right? But these take time to manifest. Overall, you’re still coming out ahead.”
The man in black glasses looked at his hands. “This stuff is very precious. Without this serum, you might not come back.”
Liang Wan replied, “First and foremost, I’m a doctor; only then am I a woman confused about her fate and past. Unlike you all, who have been thieves from start to finish. I know what I should do the most.” She slung her backpack over her shoulder, flashed her flashlight, counted the glow sticks, and pushed the door open. “After it takes effect, take care of your wounds yourself. I’ll go help you clean up the mess.”
The man in black glasses took off his glasses and exclaimed, “Wow, none of you are obedient.”
He stood up, removed his shirt, and the serum immediately began to take effect. The worms under his skin, not yet burrowed into the muscle, began to break through the surface. He took out a lighter, drew his black knife, and twisted the handle; half of it pulled out, revealing a small blade.
The small knife was also black. He used the lighter to sterilize it, but the excruciating pain radiating throughout his body made him tremble.
He stumbled over to Su Wan, lifted him up, and tried to push him into the bathing pool, only to see Su Wan staring at him.
“Brat, you woke up and aren’t saying anything.”
“Why did you lie to that woman?” Su Wan asked. “Yali clearly wasn’t there; we saw him fall. You tricked her into going further in. Don’t you feel guilty? What are you really after?”
The man in black glasses fell to the ground and started to laugh. “Do you think it’s just us messing around here?”
Su Wan struggled to get up. “What do you mean?”
The man in black glasses pointed to his watch. “How much time has passed?”
“More than a day,” Su Wan replied.
The man in black glasses handed him the small knife. “It’s going to get busier here. This is just the beginning. Come on, help me dig out all those worms.”
Su Wan took the knife, looked at the man in black glasses, and realized what he wanted him to do. “How do I dig?”
“Press the knife with your hand, and when you feel a hard lump, just dig it out directly.”
“Worms, if they die inside you, will be absorbed by your body. Don’t worry about them; they’ll die as they crawl around,” Su Wan said.
“Don’t worry, that definitely won’t happen; they must be dug out,” the man in black glasses insisted. “Give me a cigarette, and make it quick.”
In the darkness, Liang Wan began to follow the route on the map. She felt that she was no longer very afraid of this place. She didn’t know why; perhaps it was because the black bear singing suddenly appeared, turning this place into an absurd one.
At this point, there were many things she couldn’t understand, and she didn’t want to understand them anymore. She would just follow the thoughts of those in the know. If she could survive, she would eventually find a reasonable explanation.
The backpack was heavy; men never packed as carefully as women. She quickly began to feel tired.
The pipes here were very clean, with no black asphalt, only cement. The cement was devoid of anything—no signs, no damaged pits, and no exposed wires.
In the past, places like this were eerie and terrifying, but now it seemed to exude a sense of safety instead.
The fever hadn’t subsided, and she felt even dizzier. She found a corner to squat down in and took deep breaths, trying to compose herself.
In the past, when she worked overtime, she had ways to keep herself from feeling tired and overheated during work hours, but now she could no longer manage that; after all, she wasn’t a young girl anymore.
Logically, she didn’t want that Li Zu to die; the kid was still quite interesting.
However, her attitude toward death and others was different, as she was a doctor after all.
In the silence, she heard some strange noises.
She looked up and, in the direction she was heading, she heard a familiar sound.
It was the phone ringing.
A hallucination. She lowered her head and continued to rest her eyes.